Does my employee need training?

Similar to jumping in a Skidsteer, usually anyone can fumble around till they get the hang of it, but in case you want a bit of jump on the rest, we have made a few videos. Like most things in life, you have your Do’s and Do Not’s, and with this machine, there is a handful of Do Not’s, so we have made this video Titled Top Ways to prevent damage to the gayk solar pile driver .

We have also made a video titled Helpful tips for the successful operation of the Gayk Solar Pile Driver. Towards the end, it will go over the controls of the machine, and in the beginning, it’s a lot of helpful tips.

Lastly, we go over a few points on safety that wouldn’t be all that bad to have a new operator watch as well.

To be fair when I bought my very first pile driver and drove my first pile, I had zero explanation, zero guidance and really paved my own path over the years, but I would say by doing small 6-12 post jobs here and there, it wasn’t until I spent the full day driving fence posts that I really memorized the controls to where I could operate fluidly. So if you have a big Jobsite, I would say that most quick studies will pick up on the first day and show a night and day difference from one full day of running the machine. Just don’t pick up bad habits from a know-it-all PD10 operator who has never operated a gayk before, they are not the same and you do not need your ground man to guide your operator.


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